Family Constellations is a powerful and fun group experience. It is deep, playful, somatic work, where we represent systems and dynamics for each other, and we’re able to make shifts at a subconscious level, allowing participants to feel liberated from stuck patterns and emotions. 

What happens in Family Constellations?

We come together in a group and focus on one participant at a time, deeply listening and holding space for that person to share about a block or issue they are facing.

That person is led to ask others to represent significant concepts, emotions, or people who may be part of their issue.

This is when the phenomenon of “the field” comes in, and the representatives begin to experience resonance with what they’re representing, which moves them. Compare this to the energy that connects flocks of birds or schools of fish, each individual moving seamlessly with the group.

Under the facilitator’s guidance, the representatives reveal dynamics that are active in the system. Through communication and movement, we’re able to make subconscious and intergenerational patterns come to life.

There is power in being able to see and acknowledge these underlying patterns consciously.

We’re also able to rearrange the dynamics in favor of acceptance, liberation, and healing, setting the stage for new life experiences for the participant that are no longer constrained by the old limitations.

People acting as representatives also receive benefits and revelations, often about their own experiences, dynamics, and blocks. The profound experience of letting “the field” move through you can also have its own healing effects.

It can be playful, emotional, powerful, and deep, whether you’re representing, observing, or receiving your own constellation.

I look forward to exploring and dancing in the mystery with you.