Constellation FAQ’s

  • Why is it called Family Constellations?

    While we can work with any issue as a starting point, this practice is a deep exploration of belonging. Our individual dynamics of belonging are shaped in response to the family systems to which we are born and/or raised. Constellations explores the dynamics of these and other systems we belong to, to show us our roles with more clarity. “Constellation” means “shape” in this context.

  • What can we work on in Constellations?

    We can start anywhere. I suggest bringing whatever you’re working to heal, change, grow, or understand in your life right now. I have done Constellatons around: anger, money, career, dating, shame, creativity. I have seen others bring the subjects of: anxiety, fear, marriage, moving, conception, grief, and more, especially relationships with specific people. Often, we will gain insight into more than one aspect of ourselves and our situations, but we can begin with whatever is coming up, and see where it takes us.

  • Should I bring my family?

    Absolutely not! Unless you’re familiar with the practice, I recommend coming alone or with a friend. This practice works well with people who we aren’t intimately related with.

  • I don't like to talk about my family, can I still come?

    Yes. First off, family is not part of every single constellation. There are plenty of ways to work in the field without it being about family. That said, it is often very relevant to place representatives of family members within constellations. You don’t have to reveal anything specific that you don’t feel comfortable with. And- you can participate by representing in others’ constellations without doing an individual one of your own, and still receive a very moving and healing experience.

  • Do I need to know about my ancestors?

    No. Whatever you do know is plenty. Some people get more curious about their ancestors as a result of this practice.

  • The descriptions are too weird and abstract, I don't get it.

    Honestly, it is weird and abstract, in the best way. I had absolutely no idea what I was walking into when I attended my first Constellation!
    You can watch episode 5 of Sex, Love, and Goop, on Netflix to see real life constellations happening! There will be some differences in facilitation style.

Still have questions?

Please do read more about the practice before you ask! And then… ask away <3